Excel Academy Charter School, known for its discipline and educational prowess, was thrown into chaos Monday morning following a gas leak scare at the school’s Saratoga Street campus. The Boston Fire Department was notified by a maintenance worker of a…
Olympic gold medalists are featured in Sports Illustrated
It isn’t often that the sport of sailing makes a story in a mostly “ball sports” magazine like Sports Illustrated (SI) said Piers Park Sailing Center’s Maureen McKinnon Tucker. But there she was in the pages of this month’s SI…
EBNHC receives $12 million to build a new facility in Maverick Sq.
It’s arguably the biggest news to hit this little corner of Boston in decades. It was announced last week that President Barack Obama has chosen the East Boston Neighborhood Health Center (EBNHC) as the recipient of $12 million in stimulus…
Socket to ya: Why our electric rates are so high
By Seth Daniel For the Free Press Leaving the porch light on, running an air conditioner at night or using a longer cycle on the clothes dryer are all decisions that, in Massachusetts, will cost users more than just about…
As the holidays approach, a sobering reminder about hunger
As we gather with friends and family during the holiday season, we are reminded of how fortunate we are. But while the season is a time for celebrations, it’s also a time for reflection. A report released this week by…
A Long Wait – Lack of movement at Pier 1 is very frustrating
Despite the best efforts of Senator Anthony Petruccelli and Representative Carlo Basile to prompt Roseland Properties into developing East Boston’s valuable Pier 1 as promised, there is not going to be much movement at the present time. Roseland Properties is…