Two unsung heroes of the disaster that unfolded last week on Chelsea Street with the collapse of one building, the subsequent demolition of another and the displacement of dozens of East Boston residents are being applauded for their work helping…
Month: October 2011
City, State, Country … Lamattina Staffer Sworn in as a U.S. Citizen
A staffer for City Councilor Sal LaMattina was recently sworn in as a U.S. citizen during a ceremony at Faneuil Hall in Boston. Camilo Hernandez, an East Boston resident that works on constituent services throughout LaMattina’s district officials became a…
New Show Highlights the ‘Can Do’ Spirit of Mckinnon-Tucker
On Friday, films crews of a new television show filmed its pilot episode at Piers Park Sailing Center and will feature Paralympics Gold Medalist Maureen McKinnon-Tucker’s story of triumph over tragedy. The new show, “Who says I Can’t,” is hosted…
A Great Response: Residents Show Tremendous Compassion
Last weekend, Boston City Councillor Sal LaMattina, East Boston State Representative Carlo Basile, and Eastie’s State Senator Anthony Petruccelli and Mayor Thomas Menino banded together with many prominent members of the neighborhood to make certain that all of those affected…
ECCO’S Anniversary: Restaurant Continues to Deliver Excellence
Ecco Restaurant and Lounge, in the same space where Sablone’s did its great thing for so many years, is one of the North Shore’s best kept secrets. It has also established itself in a very short period of time as…
Lightning Strikes Danilchuk Auto, While Burri Displays Expert Scoring Touch
Two more weeks of the EBMHL are in the books and as this season goes on, it seems to be getting better and better. The hockey was at a furious pace in week five as we witnessed the match up…
Obituaries 10-26-2011
Francis Kearns Manager for Jeveli’s Restaurant Francis J. “Sandy” Kearns, a lifelong resident of Winthrop, died at the Coolidge House in Brookline on October 22 after a sudden illness. He was 56 years old. Born in Winthrop, he was the…
A Fall Day on Chelsea Street
The building that collapsed Saturday on Chelsea Street and the subsequent demolition of the building next door has set off a chain reaction that may force more buildings to come down. Boston’s Inspectional Services Department Commissioner Bill Good said after…
Arroyo Calls for Fair Wages at the Airport
At-Large City Councilor Felix Arroyo held a hearing last week to investigate the wage policy at Logan Airport in East Boston. The hearing stems from reports that workers at the airport are earning less than minimum wage. “This is a…
Units Will Be Built to Assist Former Residents of Family Shelter
The East Boston Community Development Corporation (CDC) will use $945,000 in Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) subsidies to create seven units of affordable housing for former homeless families that are transitioning to independent living from Crossroads Family Shelter…