By Michael Coughlin Jr.
A restaurant planned for 636-638 Bennington Street, which has drawn the discontentment of residents since it was proposed at an abutters meeting in June, was slated to be presented at the Harbor View Neighborhood Association’s (HVNA) latest monthly meeting on Monday; however, it has been postponed.
According to Skip Marcella, an HVNA board member, the presentation for the proposed restaurant called El Parche was delayed at the proponent’s request.
This situation has been ongoing since at least June when the proponents outlined their plans to open a 40-seat restaurant with the hours of 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 a.m. at the property.
These plans, including requests for a beer, wine, and cordials license, a common victualler license, and live entertainment from the licensing board, were met with significant opposition at June’s abutters meeting.
Specifically, residents who spoke out against the project were dissatisfied with the late closing time and alcohol being served in a location with a large number of children. Those opposed also outlined issues with trash, rodents, and more concerns.
Then, another abutters meeting was held in September, and the proposal was updated. Specifically, the number of seats dropped to 20, and the hours changed from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 a.m.
Additionally, it was noted at this time that the proponents would also be going before the Zoning Board of Appeal to change the building’s occupancy from a beauty salon to a restaurant, expand the bathroom to make it handicap accessible, and do additional work like painting and framing.
Although changes were made to the project, many maintained their outright opposition to the project.
As recently as October, Marcella indicated at an HVNA meeting that there were 47 letters from abutters and 173 signatures from residents who opposed the project.
Following the announcement that the presentation would be delayed, Marcella stated that the tentative plan is for it to occur at the association’s meeting next month.
He noted that the February presentation was tentative because HVNA bylaws require developers to complete a project form.
“This project form is one of the requirements that we have before you come up here and present your project, and that’s something that this particular proponent for 636-638 [Bennington Street] has not been able to provide over the past two months,” said Marcella.
Marcella also urged those in attendance interested in reiterating their position in support or opposition to the project to contact Eva Jones, a city community engagement specialist, by email at [email protected], citing the long, ongoing process.
Ultimately, he mentioned that if the project were to be presented to the HVNA in February, a vote would happen after a second presentation occurs.
For more information about the HVNA, visit its Facebook page at or its website at The group’s next meeting is scheduled for February 3.