CSF Scholar Makes His Mark in Architecture

 Luisantonio, a Cath­olic School Founda­tion (CSF) GO Scholar and 2024 graduate of East Boston Central Catho­lic School (EBCCS), is an aspiring architect. In the lead-up to CSF’s 34th Annual Building Minds Scholarship Fund Gala, Honoree Rick Henken visited EBCCS, where Luisantonio had the op­portunity to share his pas­sion for architecture with him. Rick was eager to help Luisantonio achieve his dreams, so he offered to connect him with Gary Kane from The Architec­tural Team (TAT), with Rick introduced the Rivero family and the EBCCS principal to Gary, who visited the school. Like Rick, Gary was ex­cited about Luisantonio’s aspirations to become an architect and wanted to give him an opportunity to experience working in the field.

CSF Scholar, Luisantonio, Makes His Mark in Architecture with a Summer Internship.

After the visit, arrange­ments were made for Lu­isantonio to participate in an internship at TAT. This opportunity allowed him to immerse himself in the daily life of an architect, learning firsthand what the profession entails. To finish up this incred­ible experience, Luisan­tonio accompanied Gary and TAT on a site visit to one of the projects they are working on.

Speaking about his work placement opportu­nity with TAT, Lusitano said, “I am so blessed to be given the opportunity to be part of the architectur­al world. Even from day one, I was learning valu­able information. Many people in the firm helped me better understand what it meant to be an architect. I got to experience the different formats and soft­ware in which they design different buildings, and it really fascinated me how these applications have amazing 2D and 3D visual models. I am really look­ing forward to continuing my internship next sum­mer.”

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