“Antiques Roadshow,” PBS’s most-watched ongoing series, is filming at two New England locations as part of an all-new 2021 production process.
The Boston-based series will film at Wadsworth Mansion in Middletown, Conn., on August 10 and Omni Mount Washington Resort in Bretton Woods, N.H., on Sept. 1.
Health and safety are top priorities for “Roadshow,” which is using a modified production process this year that features invitation-only filming on closed sets. Fans can enter to win an invitation to the Connecticut or New Hampshire filming now through the “Antiques Roadshow” 2021 Appraisal Contest. The deadline to enter by is June 7.
“I am so pleased that New England will help us to put the road back in Roadshow this August!” said executive producer Marsha Bemko. “Always wondered if the stuff around your house is junk or a gem? Now is the time to find out!”
More information around 2021 process:
• Production at each of five 2021 filming locations will follow Antiques Roadshow’s COVID-19 protocols and will be on closed sets, accessible only to Roadshow production teams and pre-selected invited guests and appraisers.
• “Roadshow” will record scheduled appraisals in small, independent groups, keeping contact to a minimum and distance as much as is possible.
• Most filming will take place outdoors.
• “Antiques Roadshow” will not be appraising any other items than the pre-selected submission items.
Invited guests will be selected based on submission of their item and story entered for their chosen location for the “Antiques Roadshow” 2021 Appraisal Contest.
The five locations “Antiques Roadshow” will be visiting to film their new season include: Wadsworth Mansion in Middletown, Conn., on Aug. 10; Omni Mount Washington Resort in Bretton Woods, N.H., on Sept. 1; Hempstead House at the Sands Point Preserve in Long Island, N.Y., on Sept. 14; Colonial Williamsburg in Williamsburg, Va., on Sept. 28; and Grounds For Sculpture in Hamilton, N.J., on Oct. 6.
Eighteen-time Emmy Award nominated “Antiques Roadshow,” produced by GBH, airs Mondays at 8/7C PM and is the most-watched ongoing PBS series. In 2021, “Roadshow” is seen by around 6 million viewers each week.
Hi-res photos and interviews with Antiques Roadshow producers are available upon request.
No Purchase Necessary. To enter, submit photo and description of item online. Up to 130 Winners per location who’s entries “wow” the producers will be selected at producers’ discretion; prize has no monetary value. Must be 18 or older. Must be U.S. resident. Must be available to attend with selected item. Restrictions apply. Void where prohibited. Sponsored by WGBH Educational Foundation, 1 Guest Street, Boston MA 02135.