After having recently filed an expanded condo conversion ordinance and an update to the city’s linkage policy as the beginning of an anti-displacement package, Councilor Lydia Edwards has filed a hearing order to discuss the city’s inclusionary development policy (IDP). The filing comes weeks after Governor Baker signed a home rule petition that combined proposals by Councilor Edwards and Mayor Walsh which gives Boston the ability to codify and update the IDP and linkage.
“The IDP is an important tool that can help us create affordable housing in Boston,” said Councilor Edwards. “I’m excited to have this hearing and hear from the advocates that are working on the ground about how they think the policy can be improved.”
Currently, the IDP requires developers to set aside 13% of units in projects greater than 10 units and make them available to residents making an average of 70% of the area median income (AMI), which is just under $70,000 for a household of two.
“We know we need to do better when it comes to defining what is affordable and holding developers accountable,” added Councilor Edwards. “With the new fair housing zoning amendment we’re recognizing that developers have a role to play in affirmatively integrating our communities. The IDP is a part of that role but the current policy needs to be refreshed and revamped so that it centers the needs of real Bostonians like single parents, the underemployed, working and middle class families and so many people who have felt completely built out of the city they love.”
The hearing order will be introduced at Wednesday’s council meeting and assigned to a committee. A public hearing will then be scheduled where members of the public will be able to testify.