Harbor View Neighborhood Association Meeting
The next meeting of the Harbor View Neighborhood Association will be on Monday, October 5, at 6:00 p.m. Just like the July, August and September meeting, they will be meeting in the Salesian Boys and Girls Club parking lot, practicing social distancing and wearing masks for safety. We are using a hybrid model: In Person and Online. Due to the COVID situation we will be offering members to participate in person or online.
In Person: they will be having our meeting in the Salesian Boys and Girls Club parking lot across from the Brooke Charter School on Byron Street. We are limiting our meeting to one and a half hours, practicing social distancing and wearing masks. Feel free to bring your own chair, but we will have chairs for anyone who wants one to sit down. In case of rain they will meet the following day, October 6, 2020, same time and place.
Online: they will also be broadcasting our meeting live to members of our Facebook group.(http://www.facebook.com/groups/harborviewna). At 6:00pm log onto Facebook, open up the HVNA group and look for the live broadcast by our Secretary, Chris Assanti. If you are attending via Facebook, please inform Chris that you are present for attendance purposes. You can do so via the video live chat or the direct message.
Welcome/Introduction (5min)
Announcements (5min)
2 Swift Terrace/150 Swift Street. 2nd Presentation and VOTE. Owner Joseph Steffano Jr., legalize storage shed, (rear yard set back), and change zoning to commercial for company trucks parking. (10min).
97 Horace Street. 2nd Presentation. Attorney Richard Lynds for Joseph Trichilo. Subdivide existing 5000 SF parcel so that new parcel will contain 2,112 SF. Proposal to erect 4 Unit Condo building with 4 parking spaces. All Units to have 2 beds and 2 baths. (20min).
175 Wordsworth Street. First Presentation, Owner Manny Robles. Proposal is to finish demolition and refinishing of all three floors and basement. Extend living space into the basement area, to include takedown and reconstruction of rear porches. (10min)
647-649 Bennington Street . 1st Presentation, Attorney Marc LaCasse for Owner Barry Caine. Proposal to convert a three family to a two family and subdivide the driveway to construct a new three family on the subdivided parcel. (30min)
85-87 Horace Street. 1st Presentation. Attorney Jeff Drago for Owner Deana Fetherson. Proposal to subdivide the existing parcel,(87 Horace) into two lots. The first, 87 Horace, will contain 3,817SF and the second, (85 Horace) will contain 2,433SF. Erect a single family house with multiple variances required for both parcels. (30min)
Next Meeting November 2, 2020.
Visit us at https://www.facebook.com/groups/harborviewna