Community News

HVNA Meeting Notice

The Harbor View Neighborhood Association which usually meets on the first Monday of the month will not meet on Monday, Sept. 2, due to the Labor Day Holiday.

The Sept. meeting instead will be held on Monday, Sept. 9, at 6:30 p.m. at the Brooke Charter School.

East Boston Social Center’s Senior Program Offering Spanish Language Classes

The Senior Program at the East Boston Social Centers is now offering Spanish Language Classes for adults over 60 years old.  Classes are held every Wednesday at 10 a.m. in Room 209.  All are welcome to attend.  Class is taught by Mr. Montaro.  No need to register, just come by on Wednesday at 10 a.m. for this fun class.  The East Boston Social Centers is located at 68 Central Square.

East Boston Senior Lunch Program

If you are 60+ years of age, the East Boston Social Centers at 68 Central Square in East Boston has a table and a meal waiting for you!

The Senior Lunch Program sponsored by ETHOS Congregate Meal Program provides a hot, nutritious lunch, along with wonderful socialization, Monday through Friday from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.  A suggested donation of $2 is asked.

We welcome seniors from our East Boston Community and surrounding areas.

Learn Italian Free

The class will be held at Robert DeLeo Senior Center, 35 Harvard Street Winthrop,  for residents age 55 and above.

Whether you have Italian ancestry, or just want to learn one of the world’s most beautiful languages, join us at  informal  and friendly Italian language and culture classes. Wednesday afternoons from 1:15 to  2:45 p.m.

For info call 617-846-8538.

East Boston High Class of 1969 50th Reunion

Sept. 28, 2019  

Winthrop Elks Lodge

191 Washington Ave.

Winthrop, MA 02152

7 -11 p.m. $50 Per person

Any classmate who has not received a ‘save the date’ postcard, or for more info

Please contact  Corinne (Caggiano)  Barisano via email: at [email protected].

Grace Church News Services

Grace Church Federated is an Episcopal/United Church of Christ church located at 760 Saratoga St., in East Boston.  All are welcome.  Please join us for Sunday morning worship at 9:30 a.m., followed by a coffee hour.  We also have a food pantry on Saturdays from 10 a.m. until noon in the church basement.  There are a number of ways you can help us to serve East Boston.  Volunteer at or contribute to the food pantry.  Sing with the Festival of Lessons and Carols choir.  Bring a dish to the monthly Sunday evening community suppers.  Participate in the Sunday worship service.  Help with SundaySchool.  Visit the Grace Church web site at or call the church at 617-569-5358 for more information.

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