Gove Street Citizens Association
Monthly Meeting Agenda
Monday, September 24, 6:30-8:30 p.m.
Catherine Leonard-McLean Community Room (formerly Noddle Island Community Room)
Logan Airport Rental Car Center
- Welcome
- Boston Police Updates – Sargent Martin & Officer Simmons
- City of Boston Office Neighborhood Services Updates – Jesus Garcia
- East Boston Social Center 100th Anniversary – Marisa DiPietro
- Project Presentations:
- 197-207 Maverick Street (aka 205 Maverick Street )
This project consists of the demolition of the existing commercial structure containing Maverick Street Market and construction of a new 5 story, community based redevelopment (without displacement) containing a new home for the existing marketing and potential laudromat operation, if desired, along with 55 rental units and 34 off-street parking spaces.
Attorney Joe Hanley, 3rdst Presentation/VOTE
- 113-115 Cottage Street
This project is a change in occupancy to a 4-unit residential building with interior and exterior renovations.
Attorney Richard Lynds, 2nd Presentation/VOTE
- 66 Lubec Street
This is a project to erect a 6-unit residential dwelling with parking for 3 vehicles.
Attorney Richard Lynds, 1st Presentation
- 175 Orleans Street (aka Loftel Hotel)
Project updates to the proposed hotel at the corner of Orleans and Porter Street.
Attorney Richard Lynds
Next Meeting date: Monday, October 22, 2018
Location: The Catherine Leonard-McLean (formerly Noddle Island) Community Room is located on the first floor of the Logan Airport Rental Car Center, situated at the end of Porter Street. Free event parking in front of the building and in the Porter Street parking lot adjacent to the building. LOCATION – The Noddle Island Community Room located on the first floor of the Logan Airport Rental Car Center situated at the end of Porter Street. Free event parking in front of the building and in the Porter Street parking lot adjacent to the building. LOCATION – The Noddle Island Community Room located on the first floor of the Logan Airport Rental Car Center situated at the end of Porter Street. Free event parking in front of the building and in the Porter Street parking lot adjacent to the building.
Grace Church Community Potluck
Grace Church Federated, 758 Saratoga Street, East Boston is inviting all community residents to a pot luck supper at the Church on Sunday, September 23, 2018 at 5 PM.
Bring a favorite dish to share if you are able. Set up and clean up volunteers would be greatly appreciated. For more information, call the Church at 617-569-5358 or visit the Church web site at
WINARC Fall Activities
WINARC is a local organization that offers social, educational, and recreational activities for individuals with disabilities. Their fall schedule is set, and they welcome new members from Winthrop and surrounding communities to join in the fun. Here’s their schedule:
Special Olympics: Sept. 30
Hip Hop: Oct. 3, 10, 17, and 24
Bingo: Oct. 12
Halloween Dance: Oct. 27
Craft Night: Nov. 16
Bowling: Dates to be Announced
For further information contact Nancy Guiffre (WINARC Co-President) at (617)640-4292.
The class will be held at Robert DeLeo Senior Center, 35 Harvard St. Winthrop for residents age 55 and above.
Whether you have Italian ancestry, or just want to learn one of the world’s most beautiful languages, join us at informal and friendly
Italian language and culture classes. Wednesday afternoons from 1:15 to 2 45 p.m.
For info call 617-846-8538
Social Centers Senior Lunch
If you are age 65+, The East Boston Social Centers at 68 Central Square in East Boston has a table and a meal waiting for you. The Senior Lunch Program Sponsored by Kit Clark Senior Services provides a hot, nutritious lunch along with wonderful socialization Monday through Friday, 11:30 a.m. until 1 p.m. A suggested donation of $2 is asked.
East Boston Social Center’s Senior Program now offering Spanish Language Classes
The Senior Program at the East Boston Social Centers is now offering Spanish Language Classes for adults over 60 years old. Classes are held every Wednesday at 10 a.m. in Room 209. All are welcome to attend. Class is taught by Mr. Montaro. No need to register, just come by on Wednesday at 10 a.m. for this fun class. The East Boston Social Centers is located at 68 Central Square.
East Boston Tech Meetup
The purpose of the East Boston Tech Meetup is to build a community of people currently working in tech or those aspiring to move into a tech career who live or work in East Boston. These meetings will be held in the heart of Maverick Landing conveniently located steps from the Maverick T station, in the Maverick Landing Meeting House at 31 Liverpool St.
Grace Church
Grace Church Federated is a United Church of Christ and Episcopal church located at 760 Saratoga Street, East Boston. All are welcome. Please join us for our Sunday morning service at 9:30 a.m., followed by a coffee hour. We also have a Food Pantry open to all East Boston residents, every Saturday from 10 a.m. – noon. For additional information regarding our church services or food pantry, please visit our website:
Check out What’s Happening at the East Boston Branch Library
Check out What’s Happening at the East Boston Branch Library!!
Orientation Workshop for Foreign-Trained Professionals
Saturdays, Sept. 22nd and 29th from 10 a.m.-12 p.m.
Join us for a New Immigrants Orientation Workshop! We are bringing in experts to answer questions and provide resources that will help recent immigrants build on their foreign training to reach their potential in the United States. Attendance is FREE. Participants are expected to attend both sessions.
Sponsored by the African Bridge Network and the Mayor’s Office of Immigrant Advancement.
Book Discussion Club: Substance Use Recovery Memoirs and Stories:
Thursday, Sept. 27th at 6:30 p.m.
For our September Book Discussion Club, we will be focusing on memoirs and stories that talk about substance use, addiction, and recovery as part of SAMHSA’s National Recovery Month.
Starting August 20th, choose from a selection of titles ranging from graphic novels to fiction to first-hand accounts from people in recovery. Print, ebook and audiobook options are available. We will meet on September 27th to discuss the books we have selected while enjoying light refreshments.
tech goes home
Tech Goes Home is a computer based program with the goal of ensure that all low-come residents of Greater Boston are equipped with the tools, training, and access to support 21st Century skills development. The TGH program offers resident the ability to improve their quality of life as new member of the online community.
What’s included for Boston residents?
- 15 Hours of Computer training
- A web based curriculum designed to help you access resources throughout the internet.
- The option to purchase a brand new computer for just $50
- Help accessing significantly discounted high-speed internet for qualified participants
If you interested in participating or have any questions,Speak to a staff at ABCD East Boston APAC or Call 617-567-8857.