The House and Senate joined Governor Charlie Baker, Lieutenant Governor Karyn Polito, and his colleagues in the Legislature to adopt a joint resolution formally denouncing white nationalist and neo-Nazi hate organizations, as well as condemning all forms of racism, discrimination, and violence.
In response to the horrific and tragic events in Charlottesville, Virginia, Senator DiDomenico co-sponsored this joint resolution and stood with elected leaders from across the state at the Grand Staircase of the State House in an act of solidarity.
Governor Baker also issued a proclamation identical to the language adopted by the Legislature which states that the Commonwealth “strongly denounce[s] and oppose[s] the totalitarian impulses, violence, xenophobic biases, and bigoted ideologies that are promoted by white nationalists and neo-Nazis.”
Full text of the resolution reads as follows:
Addressing neo-Nazi and white nationalist hate organizations
WHEREAS, white nationalist organizations in our country have consistently promoted values that are overtly racist, anti-Semitic, and anti-immigrant, and these poisonous ideologies continue to promote hatred, bigotry, and violence specifically against individuals solely on the basis of their race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, and immigration status; and
WHEREAS, today, white nationalism and neo-Nazism remain very real threats to the values for which the Commonwealth stands, and their reinvention as the “Alt-Right,” should not mitigate their hateful ideologies; and
WHEREAS, while free speech is a bedrock value for the citizens in our commonwealth and country, white nationalist and neo-Nazi groups promote a message that is the antithesis of Massachusetts’ dedication to civil rights for all, and is in irreconcilable conflict with our foundational principles of liberty and justice for all; and
WHEREAS, white nationalism and neo-Nazism are continuing to grow as menaces to societal order as they seek to reignite social animosities, reverse improvements in race relations, divide the nation, and foment hatred, classism, and ethnic eradication; and
WHEREAS, the white nationalist and neo-Nazi message of racial and social intolerance has led to senseless acts of violence that continue to terrorize members of ethnic and religious communities; Now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, that we strongly denounce and oppose the totalitarian impulses, violence, xenophobic biases, and bigoted ideologies that are promoted by white nationalists and neo-Nazis; and be it further
RESOLVED, that we urge law enforcement agencies and elected officials at every level of government to condemn white nationalist and neo-Nazi ideology, to vigorously pursue justice in response to hate-fueled violence and work to ensure the protection of the marginalized and targeted communities.
RESOLVED, that copies of this resolution be transmitted to the Mayor of Charlottesville, Governor of Virginia and President of the United States.