Category: News

Maverick St. Housing Gets Permanent Funding

Back in November 2012, community leaders and elected officials joined the East Boston Community Development Corporation (CDC) to cut the ribbon on 170 Maverick St.–a 27 unit affordable housing project. This month, MassHousing announced it has closed on $2.2 million…

Marginal St. Project Groundbreaking Thursday

Developers of a new condo project on Marginal Street will break ground on 9-units of market rate housing Thursday. Owner Michele Catalano will join architect Elizabeth Whittaker and contractor DelVecchio Construction to break ground on the 4-story, 9-unit condo development…

FOL to Kick off Fundraising Event

The East Boston Friends of the Library (FOL) kicked off a fundraising effort with the goal of raising $50,000 to begin restoring the group of historic paintings titled “A History of Shipping” by Frederick Leonard King. The kick off was…

Building Collapses

Late in the afternoon last Thursday a large portion of an attached brick multifamily on Eutaw Street came tumbling to the ground. Construction workers had been spending the day hammering bricks on the home at 57 Eutaw St. trying to…

Welcome to the Dog Days of Summer

Driving down Bennington Street you may have noticed the flowerpots lining the street’s center island are blooming with new flowers. These flowerpots, coupled with the period lighting, were installed back in 2006 as part of an ongoing beautification project for…

East Boston YMCA Receives $25K Grant

Through an anonymous donation the East Boston YMCA will get to work this summer constructing a Credit Recovery Lab at the Y’s Bremen Street facility for East Boston High School (EBHS) students. The $25,000 anonymous donation will create a state-of-the-art…

Bialecki Toured East Boston

Secretary of Housing and Economic Development Greg Bialecki and Senator Anthony Petruccelli talk with a representative from Cranshaw Construction to discuss the Portside at Pier One project. Bialecki toured East Boston development sites, businesses and programs Monday.