Author: Times Staff

Watch the Eclipse Safely

With our area in the path of the solar eclipse this coming Monday (and with clear skies forecast), we urge any of our readers who are intent on watching the event to be sure to wear proper eyewear and to…

Russia Is Our Real Enemy

Sunday’s special report on the CBS news show 60 Minutes revealed that Russia has been the culprit in the hundreds of cases of debilitating neurological injuries that have struck American intelligence and law enforcement operatives around the world in the…

Obituaries 04-03-2024

Joseph R. Lunetta Boston Water and Sewer Commission Retiree Funeral Services were held in the Vertuccio Smith & Vazza, Beechwood Home for Funerals in Revere for Joseph R. Lunetta, who passed away on March 19th at the Melrose Wakefield Hospital…