Author: Times Staff

Community News

East Boston Senior Lunch Program If you are 60+ years of age, the East Boston Social Centers at 68 Central Square in East Boston has a table and a meal waiting for you! The Senior Lunch Program sponsored by ETHOS…

Community Calendar- Community Meetings

Harbor View Neighborhood Association First Monday of every month 6:30 p.m. at the Edward Brooke Charter School, 145 Byron St. Jeffries Point Neighborhood Association Second Monday of every month. 6:30 p.m. at the Jeffries Point Yacht Club, 565 Sumner St.…

Green New Deal Is A Good Deal

The growing movement for the federal government to take the lead in effecting policies that will negate the effects of both economic inequality and climate change has been incorporated into what is being referred to as the Green New Deal.…

Job Fair for Encore

One of the largest job fairs for a single company will be happening over the next few months and local residents are encouraged to apply for a position.  Encore, Boston Harbor, is seeking to hire 5,000 people to staff the…

Guest Op-ed EPA – Do Your Job

By Jack Clarke  Among the hundreds of thousands of federal employees furloughed during the record-setting partial government shutdown, were those responsible for tracking pollution, safety hazards, and other threats to the American people’s health, safety, and welfare.  EPA was missing…

Community News

East Boston Social Center Pizza and Comedy Fundraiser East Boston Social Centers to Hold Annual Pizza and Comedy Fundraiser April 11. The East Boston Social Center will hold its Annual Spring Fundraiser, a Pizza and Comedy night at Prince Restaurant…