Special to the Times-Free Press
East Boston Main Streets (EBMS) will host the 27th Annual “Taste of Eastie,” to be held on Tuesday, July 25, from 6-9 p.m. at the Tall Ship 1 Pier Drive, Boston, (rain date Tuesday, August 1, from 6-9 p.m.). We encourage all attendees to use the Free Blue Line or Ferry. This festive event will feature food from 30 local “Eastie” restaurants and live music by Louie Bello.
“The after effects of the pandemic have taken a significant toll on many of our local businesses. I am truly amazed at the strength displayed by our local business owners in East Boston. The support and strength to rise from these difficulties over the past several years, is a true testament of our strong community. Many local restaurants will be providing their best samples for all to enjoy. This annual event has become a staple for the community and our vibrant neighborhood,” said Ida Candreva, President of the Board of Directors.
Last year, despite not having an executive director to lead the organization, the endless volunteer hours from the Committee were so successful that the event sold out for the first time in history! This year, they expect to sell out again. The 27th Taste of Eastie will also be the first for the organization’s newly hired Executive Director, Miguel Vargas. A special thanks to the 2023 Taste of Eastie Sponsors and our Taste of Eastie Committee: Michelle Alger; Ida R. Candreva; David Lank; Matthew Pollock; Joseph Ruggiero, Jr. and Miguel Vargas.
Tickets are $50.00 until July 19, or $60.00 thereafter. Last year the event Sold Out! Make sure to buy your tickets in advance! Tickets can be purchased online. For more details or questions please visit our website: https://ebmainstreets.com.
EBMS is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization whose mission is to create a more vibrant business district by initiating private and public improvements, promoting commerce, and supporting efforts to improve the quality of life for all who live, work, and do business in East Boston.