At last Tuesday’s Mayor on Main Streets event outside Sammy Carlo’s Deli, Eastie Farms founder and director Kannan Thiruvengadam was honored as the Boston Main Streets Volunteer of the Year.
“As I’ve mentioned before what is really important to the Main Streets program are the volunteers,” said Mayor Martin Walsh. “These volunteers are vital to supporting Main Streets’ mission in goals in the neighborhood. Today we have Kannan (Thiruvengadam) who is no stranger to Main Streets. I met Kannan when I first became Mayor and quickly realized he’s not just a man that talks the talk but walks the walk.”
Aside from being a Main Streets volunteer and helping with such events as Taste of Eastie Thiruvengadam is the director of Eastie Farm on Sumner Street and of JP Green School, a sustainability education program at JP GreenHouse, a passive-solar and energy-positive house in Jamaica Plain.
He also hosts “What’s up Eastie?“a radio show about local issues in a larger context, at Zumix, a youth organization in Eastie.
Thiruvengadam is also a Climate Ready Boston Leader. He has a technology background, has studied climate science, permaculture, and community engagement, and is passionate about regenerative and sustainable practices in agriculture and urban design.
Last year the Boston City Council confirmed Thiruvengadam to the Community Preservation Committee.
“I want to thank Kannan for all he’s done for East Boston,” said Councilor Lydia Edwards. “He has demonstrated that many newcomers not only come into the neighborhood but become integral parts of the community. Eastie Farms and what you do there–grow together, plan together and eat together—has inspired all of us on what we can do for future generations. You’re work is going to speak for many many years. You are helping to make East Boston one of the best communities in the city.”
Thiruvengadam thanked the city officials for the honor.
“Thank you, City of Boston Mayor Marty Walsh for your kind words and for the award. I especially appreciate that you asked residents to put local economy first,” he said. “Thank you, Boston City Councilor Lydia Edwards, for your inspiring words, and the citation. Thank you, Rep Adrian Madaro and Sen. Joe Boncore, for the House and Senate citations. Thank you, East Boston Main Streets for the nomination. It’s a joy living in a community of people who care, who act, and who lead.”