March 16, 2014
Amelio Monterola of 83 Florence Avenue, Revere was arrested outside of Chelsea Street & Neptune Road and charged with operating a motor vehicle without a license.
Omar Madrigal of 46 Hillside Avenue, Revere was arrested outside of 1118 Bennington Street and charged with operating under the influence of alcohol.
A white Hispanic male of East Boston was arrested and charged with domestic assault.
March 17, 2014
Ever Flores of 93 Chester Avenue, Chelsea was arrested outside of Brooks & Saratoga Street and charged with possession of Class D & E drugs.
Gino Golisano of 110 Trenton Street, East Boston was arrested outside of Saratoga & Brooks Street and charged with distribution of Class D drugs.
Shawn DiBartolomeo of 2 Clearwater Road, Peabody was arrested outside of 1150 Saratoga Street and charged with shoplifting and possession of Class B drugs.
Jill DiBartolomeo of 2 Clearwater Road, Peabody was arrested outside of 1150 Saratoga Street and charged with shoplifting.
Luber Rocael Bautista Deleon of 16 Hardwood Street, Lynn was arrested outside of Eagle Square and charged with operating without a license.
David Thomas Doyle of 52 Jeffries Street, East Boston was arrested and charged with assault & battery by means of a dangerous weapon.
Cameron Kenyon of 70 Trenton Street, East Boston was arrested and charged with destruction of personal property and assault & battery of a police office.
March 18, 2014
Stephen Young of 9 Short Street, Medford was arrested at 54 Eutaw Street and charged with assault with intent to murder.
Rocael Ramirez of 32 West Eagle Street, East Boston was arrested outside of 442 Meridian Street and charged with operating a motor vehicle without a license.
March 19, 2014
Mario Mancia of 404 Saratoga Street, East Boston was arrested at 37 Meridian Street and charged on a straight warrant for assault & battery on a person over the age of 65 years.
Ricardo Ray Pagan of 469 Eastern Avenue, Chelsea was arrested and charged with operating after revocation/suspension.
March 20, 2014
No Arrest.
March 21, 2014
Herson Chicas of 94 Ridge Road, Revere was arrested outside of Prescott & Trenton Street and charged with operating a motor vehicle under the influence of alcohol.
Richard Espinoza of 75 Chester Avenue, Chelsea was arrested outside of Brooks & Lexington Street and charged with distribution of Class D drugs.
Albiero Ramiro Cadavid of 168 Leyden Street, East Boston was arrested outside of 109 Orleans Street and charged with operating a motor vehicle without a license.
March 22, 2014
Juan D. Iddaraga of 532 Bennington Street, East Boston was arrested outside of 1050 Bennington Street and charged with disturbing the peace, destruction of personal property and possession of Class D drugs.
Juan Felipe Idarraga of 235 Saratoga Street, East Boston was arrested outside of 1050 Bennington Street and was charged with disturbing the peace, destruction of personal property and assault & battery on a police officer.