A great deal of political capital and time has been spent in East Boston by Governor Deval Patrick and his opponents Charlie Baker and State Treasurer Tim Cahill.
They have all visited here multiple times in the past few months – with the governor especially active in East Boston for the past year.
In fact, the governor has come to feel comfortable in East Boston.
He has eaten here with friends and his staff repeatedly and so it is no surprise to find Governor Patrick at the 303 or at Rino’s.
Last week’s visit to Ecco in East Boston by Baker shows how Baker is also wooing East Boston voters and it also shows his loyalty to Representative Carlo Basile.
Basile has been a Baker supporter from the start of the campaign.
By contrast, Senator Anthony Petrucelli is a strong Patrick supporter and the governor is known to like Petrucelli and to pick up the phone when he calls.
Cahill has not visited Eastie as many times as the others but his times here have been productive for him.
Implicit here is that Eastie is regarded as a battlefront in what is turning out to be a very close race – a dead heat by some people’s method of measure.
The question arises: how does one decide whom to vote for if you’re an East Boston resident?
Obviously, there are many possible answers but we believe one answer to be tops among all the others.
You should believe in the man you are voting for.
This election is about party and politics but above all, it is about the individuals running and our beliefs about who is the better candidate and the better man for the job.
It is not about who has visited Eastie the most or who is the tallest, the richest, the slickest, et cetera.
It is about the individual and which individual is it who is going to best represent this neighborhood as the governor of Massachusetts.
This is a question only you voters can answer and which you will certainly answer in November in the finale.
Will it be a Republican or Democrat?
Will your vote be about anger or will it be about voter intelligence?
We trust and believe the best vote is an honest vote based on an appraisal of a man’s abilities.
All the candidates are passing through Eastie.
It is getting time to make up your mind.