Category: Editorials

Letter to the Editor

ON RENTS IN BOSTON Dear Editor: I would like to know how recent city rents  are showing signs of stabilization. I did read a Boston Herald news story that stated, “Rental prices are still on the rise in Boston but…

March is weather purgatory

With the promise of winter coming to an end and spring just around the corner, we have high hopes for March. The crocuses start to pop through the ground and the sun is noticeably stronger and warmer. There also is a…

Letters to the Editor 2-26-2020

Vote for Capobianco Dear Editor, I am humbly asking you to vote for my longtime friend and colleague Valentino Capobianco for re-election to the Massachusetts Democratic State Committee in the First Suffolk and Middlesex District. Valentino will appear on the…

Have we turned a corner?

For the first time since 2014, life expectancy in the United States has risen after four years of decline, according to a report released this past Thursday by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Overall life expectancy rose…

Letter to the Editor

Looking at housing prices To the Editor,  Here I live over on the other side of the city still trying to come back to East Boston, so I know all about affordability in Boston’s neighborhoods. You can barely find it…