Category: Editorials

Letters to the Editor

Knowledge is an Important Tool Dear Eastie neighbors, Some of you may have seen the recent data from the Boston Public Health Commission showing that East Boston has a Covid-19 infection rate of 27 cases per 10,000 residents, the second…

This Will Be a Long Haul

It has become evident to everyone that the effort to hold back COVID-19 is not conducive of either an easy or a quick fix. This is going to be a long and difficult ordeal that will test the fabric of…

Letter to the Editor

K-Trust Scholarships 2020 Dear Students, Counselors and Parents, The deadline and dates for the East Boston K-Trust Scholarships have all be changed due to the special circumstances regarding the COVID-19 virus.  We are not sure exactly what the new dates will…

Thank Goodness For Dr. Fauci

Watching the daily press briefings of the White House Task Force on the current corona virus crisis, we know we speak for all Americans in being thankful for the calming and professional presence of Dr. Anthony Fauci, who has served…

Thanks for the Memories, Tom

For the past 20 years, there has been no public figure in New England who has been more well-known, and more idolized, than Tom Brady. Regardless of whether you are a football fan, male or female, young or old, everyone…