Author: Times Staff

Brewin’ in Eagle Hill

By John Lynds The East Boston Neighborhood Health Center’s Farmers Market featured two new faces this season. Jeremy Schleibaum and Kyle Fletcher have been at the weekly farmers market promoting the coffee company they recently launched, the Eagle Hill Coffee…

Letters to the Editor

IMPRESSED Dear Editor: I’m writing to voice my support for Stephen Passacantilli to be East Boston’s next District City Councilor.  As an East Boston voter, I’ve been impressed to see Stephen’s specific plans and proposals on issues like Seniors and…

An Overdue Honor

Anyone who knows John White knows he’d rather be out of the spotlight and busy doing his good work on behalf of the East Boston families he’s dedicated his life and career to. In October, Mr. White, East Boston APAC’s…

Sports 08-23-2017

Diamond Dandy Former Eastie resident Paul Sartori enjoying  success as manager of the Kingston Night Owls By Cary Shuman Paul Sartori played baseball in the East Boston Little League in the late-1960s and early 1970s. A half century later, Sartori…