Special to the Times-Free Press
Each year the East Boston YMCA calls to the community to help raise funds to offset the cost of the numerous programs they offer to ensure no one is turned away due to inability to pay. In 2022 the Y distributed over $380,000 directly back into the community. Aid was provided in scholarship amounts that covered up to 100% of programs like after school care, health and wellness memberships, swim lessons to mention a few. Since the start of COVID the Y has seen an increase in need for assistance to ensure the community has access to life-sustaining and life-changing programs. “We are still seeing the need come in more the ever, says Joe Gaeta, Executive Director, even more so at the tail end of COVID due to inflation and the increase of the cost of living in East Boston.” Massport is back again as the event’s Presenting Sponsor helping kick off the Y’s goal to raise $400,000 for the year.
It takes the support of many for the Y to meet its lofty goal. Community business’ like Cargo Ventures stepped up with a $15,000 donation to the Y to the Breakfast. Cargo has also been a steadfast supporter of the East Boston Y by covering the location cost of the “Hunger Prevention Warehouse” on McClellan highway for the past 3 years and directly funding of the Y’s successful Culinary Arts Work Force Development that has produced over 50 skilled chefs with new well-paying jobs. “Cargo Ventures is proud to support the East Boston YMCA and the incredible work they do for Eastie youth and families says Pat Capogreco of Cargo Ventures. We admire the Y’s unwavering dedication and commitment to this community, and the profound impact they’ve left on the lives of countless individuals.”
State Representative Adrian Madaro is set to lead the morning again as the Y celebrates what builds us as a community. New community Aquatics initiatives will be announced; so do not miss this event!
Tickets and Event Sponsorships are still available at https://ymcaboston.org/reachoutbreakfast, for more information reach out to Joe Gaeta, Executive Director @ 617-418-8320.