JPNA Hosts a “Great Swap”
The Jeffries Point Neighborhood Association (JPNA) is organizing a “Great Swap” on Sunday, September 25 for the whole day. Residents in the JPNA area are encouraged to put items in good condition in front of their homes, labeled “free” all day for others to take away.
JPNA Co-Chair Margaret Farmer explained “we are doing this event to reduce the amount of waste coming from the neighborhood and make it easier for mature residents and those without cars to dispose of usable items”. Residents must NOT block sidewalks, walkways or driveways or you will be ticketed. All participants are asked to be respectful of private property. The JPNA did make a formal request to the Mayor’s office that the city refrain from ticketing items left out until the Wednesday trash day, but this has NOT been guaranteed, any items left outside risk being ticketed.
The JPNA covers Marginal, Webster, Sumner, Everett and Maverick Streets, as well as the cross streets of Cottage and Orleans. The JPNA will post on Facebook the week before the event, participating neighbors are encouraged to post their address and a description of items online if they wish. This is not required to participate.
People throughout East Boston, Chelsea and Revere are encouraged to visit the area to take free items away. Please be certain items are labeled “free.”
GSCA Agenda
The following is the Gove Street Citizens Association (GSCA) Agenda for Monday, September 26 at 6:30 p.m.
Register for Zoom for this meeting:
This meeting will begin promptly at 6:30 p.m. All speakers will be available to answer questions from the community.
• 135 Bremen Street development project – Q&A with community (30 min)
• The proponent is seeking to reduce the number of off-street, below-ground parking spaces from 110 spaces to 47 spaces to create more clearance between parking garage and MBTA train tunnel.
• Announcements (5 min)
• Vote on 229 Maverick Street roof deck has been suspended until requests from the board have been met by the developer.
• Community updates (15 min)
• BPD update from Sgt. Cintolo
• East Boston liaison – Nathalia Benitez
• EBNHC development project
• Construction update on Loftel project (175 Orleans Street on the corner of Orleans and Porter Streets) (10 min)
• VOTE: 24 Geneva Street (20 min)
• VOTE: 169 Maverick Street (20 min)
Our meetings take place on the fourth Monday of each month at 6:30p. All meetings are currently being held on Zoom.