It wasn’t the graduation East Boston High School (EBHS) seniors who worked so hard for four years expected or deserved, but the staff at East Boston High School held a special event over the weekend for the Class of 2020.

Organized by EBHS senior advisors Tianna Tassinari and Andrew Faiz with the help of their colleagues, the EBHS seniors were able to put on their cap and gowns Saturday, head up to the high school and pick up their diploma from Headmaster Phil Brangiforte.

diploma Saturday.
The seniors were also given goodie bags that included voter registration forms along with their diplomas.
“Congratulations to the East Boston High School Class of 2020,” said Brangiforte. “You overcame the challenges of a global pandemic to achieve this milestone. Our community couldn’t be prouder of your achievements. We provided each graduate with a pre-stamped voter registration form along with their diploma, and instructions on how to fill it out. We need to ensure that this spring’s graduates are this fall’s voters. I look forward to their voices being heard in our democracy.”
Tassinari said EBHS seniors deserved all the celebrations in the world, and was proud of the Eastie community for coming together and making the diploma pick up event as special as possible.

congratulating the EBHS Class of 2020
parade by the high school.
“To the Class of 2020, this isn’t the way you imagined it would end, but I hope you still felt the pride and joy that this day should have been,” said Tassinari. “You did it. You achieved so much to get to this moment. If you can overcome this you can do anything you put your mind to. Thank you all for teaching me what it means to be resilient. It really does take a village to do this work and we are fortunate to have a community that truly believes in the motto “when all give all gain.” I can’t wait to see what amazing things the Class of 2020 will do.”
The event also included special guests Rep. Adrian Madaro as well as City Councilors Lydia Edwards and Annissa Essaibi George, a former EBHS teacher and coach.
“Congratulations to all the graduates,” said Rep. Madaro. “I was glad to be able to celebrate with you today. We look forward to seeing what you do next. Special thanks to Tiana Tassinari and Andrew Faiz for helping to organize this celebration and preparing the senior gift bags with the voter registration information.”
Phyllis Delvecchio, whose son Dominic was a 2020 EBHS graduate, praised the school staff for Saturday’s event. “This is not how I imagined my son would receive his diploma but I think East Boston High School did a great job handing out diplomas and awards acknowledging our seniors,” said Delvecchio. Domenic is a member of the National Honors Society and received the school’s highest award, the Blue and Gold Award for academics and sports. “A big thank you to Headmaster Brangiforte and his staff for making Eastie what it is. Also a big thank you to all the school’s wonderful teachers, coaches, and administrators for giving the students every skill and encouragement to succeed in class as well in their futures after high school.”
Brangiforte said he hopes that if the COVID-19 pandemic slows considerably over the summer EBHS will be able to hold a proper outdoor graduation at the East Boston Stadium sometime in August.