Thank you to all
I want to thank everyone who put so much time and effort into our Senate campaign. Unfortunately, we we were not successful tonight. It was nice to meet so many people along the campaign trail.
I am proud to say that we ran against the finest Senatorial Candidates and I applaud them for their spirited campaign.
Everything in life seems to be about timing and the people of this district decided it was not my time. I look forward to giving it my all as Revere City Councillor. Thank you once again for always being by my side with your support. Also, congratulations to our new Senator Elect Joe Boncore and his team for a clean and well earned victory.
Steven Morabito
Revere City Council VP
I have many questions
Dear Editor,
This letter is regarding the Eagle Hill Resident Parking regulations that were voted on at an Eagle H ill Association, however, due to personal reasons I am no longer able to attend. I have many questions regarding this matter.
Were the residents of Eagle notified of this meeting? Was Resident Parking on the agenda prior to the meeting? How many attended this meeting and who placed it on the floor? Was a petition circulated? If so where and when? I found out about Resident Parking through your newspaper.
There are more important issues that need to be addressed by the Association other than resident parking.
Crime is rampant. There is no longer an Arrest Report in your paper. Maybe they don’t want us to know what is really going on.
The East Eagle Street East Boston Substation – This substation can cause a malignant type of brain cancer.
Airport Noise – The planes are flying over our homes day and night. It has been proven that the pollution from the planes are dangerous to our health.
Tractor Trailers rip down wires.
Taxis clog streets in order to avoid the tunnel tolls.
What streets are going to be resident parking only?
I always thought resident parking prevented people from parking on Eagle Hill in order to catch a bus to MBTA Stations.
Who is going to enforce this regulation and how much is it going to cost the taxpayers?
Resident parking will have an awful impact on businesses located on Eagle Hill not to mention the elderly who depend on visiting nurses, caregivers and visits from family. If I were allowed to vote I would have voted against resident parking.
Barbara B. Walsh
A resident of Eagle H ill for over 50 years
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