Snow Days Move Last Day of School to June 30

Students wait for a bus amid the snow piles after two more days off from school last week. The schools and teachers union are trying to hammer out the best plan to make up snow days.

Students wait for a bus amid the snow piles after two more days off from school last week. The schools and teachers union are trying to hammer out the best plan to make up snow days.

Mayor Martin Walsh and  Superintendent McDonough announced that Boston Public Schools will hold school on Evacuation Day, March 17, making the last day of school Tuesday, June 30. Should additional snow days be required, Mayor Walsh and Superintendent John McDonough have stated that Bunker Hill Day, June 17 would be added to the school year. Additional dates beyond Bunker Hill Day are still being considered.

BPS students have already missed eight days of school due to weather. The Boston Teacher’s Union will vote on March 11 weather to work on Bunker Hill Day.

The BPS are also asking for parents and residents to take a “Make Up Day Poll” at

“If the snow keeps falling, we may need to identify additional make up days,” BPS said in a statement. “While Evacuation Day and Bunker Hill Day have already been identified, please share with us how you think we should make up any additional days this year.”

While the school year calendar is part of the Boston Teachers Union contract and any changes must be negotiated BPS said they are looking for stakeholder perspectives at this point.

The poll asks, “How would you recommend we adjust our school year calendar?”. Those taking the poll are asked to choose between, eliminating Bunker Hill Day in June, eliminating Evacuation Day in March, eliminating Good Friday, eliminating February vacation, eliminating April vacation, replace February and April vacations with a week long vacation in March, or start school before Labor Day.

“Students have missed a lot of school and we need to find a way to make them up that works for teachers, parents and students,” said City Councilor Sal LaMattina. “I support adding Evacuation Day and Bunker Hill Day to the school calendar and the BTU has indicated they want to make this work because teachers have already received eight paid snow days.”

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