In the days before Proposition 2 ½ crippled local cities and towns, the thought of having private funds being raised to maintain and improve public recreational spaces would have been considered ludicrous. However as the expression goes: that was then and this is now.
What brings this to mind is the recent positive local and national feedback about the new Esplanade Playspace geared for children aged 5 to 12. This area has been opened for more than a year at a cost of almost $1.1 million that was paid for mostly by private donations.
In a recent article talking about play spaces, it was noted how many play spaces are designed with an over abundance of safety in mind that takes away the challenge for children and thus their continued use of play spaces. This article suggested that children have become less active in physical activity as the challenge in public playspaces is no longer there but their challenge can now be now found in computer games. The article further states that this lack of physical exercise is a direct cause of obesity in children.
This play space on the Esplanade is neither boring nor unsafe. On any given day, one can see many children actively enjoying the different playground equipment in this area that ranges from 65-foot zipline to a rock climbing sculpture to a swing dish.
We congratulate Tani Marinovich and Jean Egan for their efforts in raising the funds that bring this unique experience to the children not only of our neighborhood but the many children who visit the Esplanade.
If any of our readers would like to make a donation to help defray the final cost of this playspace visit www.esplanade
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