House Speaker Robert DeLeo has announced that he is planning to have an expanded gambling bill on the governor’s desk for his signature in September. He made this announcement at the annual legislative luncheon in Winthrop, which was held by…
Category: Editorials
Good Doctors: The Torch is Passed at the EBNHC
The torch has been passed from Dr. James Taylor to Dr. Mari Bentley at the East Boston Neighborhood Health Center. Dr. Taylor, for almost 40 years the EBNHC chief medical officer, has stepped down. Dr. Bentley has taken over his…
The Dead of Summer:The Heat is on Full Blast
It is the dead of summer, that moment in our lives and in the life of the summer when there is as much summer in front of us as behind us. For those of us who love the heat, who…
Clam Mystery : What Exactly Happened on the Wood Island Flats?
There is virtually no clamming taking place on the Wood Island flats since a fuel leak of undetermined size and origin took place sometime last year. What we know for certain is that the clams died following a collision with…
George Donovan : Attorney Was a Class Act
Attorney George Donovan, who died in June at the age of 83, was a bigger than life character in the life and times of this neighborhood where he grew-up and which he called home for many years before moving…
Good Support: Boys and Girls Club is a Most Worthy Cause
The recent Salesian Boys and Girls Club Annual Breakfast held at Suffolk Downs was a big hit, which attracted all the right people for all the right reasons. Those of us who know and who admire Father John Nazzaro made…
Getting Around: Grossman is No Stranger to East Boston
State Treasurer Steve Grossman is no stranger to East Boston. In fact, his family goes so far back here they are buried in the Jewish Cemetery off Bennington Street. During the campaign in which he was elected, Grossman was a…
Summer Arrives: Things Are Happening All Around Us
Tuesday was the first day of summer, a moment in time marking the earth’s exact position with the sun on its axis, which is ever changing. In other words – the summer is here. The light lasts longer during the…
Eastie Connection: Dimasi and the Neighborhood
Former Speaker of the House Sal DiMasi was convicted of seven out of nine charges in Federal Court last week, thus ending a very sorry chapter in his life. He awaits sentencing. Once the most powerful and popular legislators in…
All-around Good Job: Woody’s Withdraws Expansion Proposal
In the end, Eastie’s Boston City Councilor Sal LaMattina and Senator Anthony Petruccelli had much to do with Woody’s Liquors taking their expansion plan off the table for now. It was a good piece of neighborhood-community work for LaMattina and…