Month: June 2022

News in Brief

Gove Street Citizens Association Meeting Agenda Gove Street Citizens Association meeting is on June 27, at 6:30 p.m. Register for Zoom for this meeting: All speakers will be available to answer questions from the community. Announcements (5 min) East…

Boating and Drinking Don’t Mix

A national news headline caught our attention recently: “Five people, including four from the same family, died in a boating collision on Saturday along a river popular with boaters outside Savannah, Ga., the authorities said. Four other people were injured,…

Obituaries 06-22-2022

Ann Marie Giuliotti Retired Nurse Practitioner Dedicated to Medical Care and Unconditional Love of Family Ann Marie Giuliotti, who spent a career dedicated to medical care but never wavered from her primary focus: the unconditional love of her family, died…