For the past two years Massport has been working closely with the East Boston Project Advisory Committee (PierPAC) to come up with preliminary designs for the new Piers Park Phase II, a 4.5-acre waterfront park adjacent to the 11-acre Piers Park on Marginal Street.
On Thursday, April 23, at 6:30 p.m. in the Kathy Leonard McLean Community Room on the first floor of the Logan Airport Rental Car Center, Massport and PierPAC will host a meeting to work towards a final design.
Massport’s Anthony Guerriero said at the meeting Massport and PierPAC will offer three design options and get a sense of what the community is looking for the area.
“Massport and PierPAC members have looked at parks across the state, we also did a lot of research and traveled to New York City to look at the Hudson River Park and the Brooklyn Bridge Park for ideas and inspiration,” said Guerriero. “While Piers Park is a passive park, Piers Park Phase II will be an active park so the meeting is the community’s opportunity to weigh in on design and give us input on the types of amenities and activities the community wants to see. I just want to say this is really a monumental event in the community. Getting another world-class waterfront park in East Boston is huge.”
Guerriero added that Massport has contracted Kleinfelder Northeast Prime as the park’s landscape architecture and Pressley Associates to work with Kleindfelder in incorporating climate resilience designs into the park to deal with future sea-level rise.
“This is a really exciting opportunity for out community to once again provide a lot of recreational green space in the neighborhood,” said PierPAC member Mary Cole.
Guerriero said a final design on the park should be completed by the fall, with construction to follow.
After several months of negotiations between Massport officials and the Logan Impact Advisory Committee (LIAG), Massport agreed to fund the Piers Park Phase II project to help mitigate the impacts of both the Terminal E modernization project and the addition of 5,000 new parking spaces at Logan.
Piers Park Phase II, a project that has waited decades for a state bond authorization before it could be funded and constructed will wait no more. Phase II will be a mirror park to the award-winning Piers Park, which opened in 1995 as part of Logan Airport mitigation.