At Monday’s night’s Jeffries Point Neighborhood Association meeting, members voted in favor of three development projects.
First, the group voted in 27 to 5 in favor of the development project at 9-15 Webster Ave. This project plans to renovate the existing row houses at 11 and 15 Webster Ave, creating two two-bedroom condominiums in each building. The architecture of these existing buildings will be respected and protected to maintain their historic value. The developer will then build a new row house on the vacant parcel at 9 Webster Ave, creating two two-bedroom condominiums. The new rowhouse will match in style and material with the existing historic building. The developer agreed to store refuse and recycling along with bike storage in rear yard. The buildings will have new green roofs to add to open space for building residents. Since the developer last met with JPNA the number of proposed units has been reduced from nine total units, or three per building, to six total units, or two per building. The height has also been reduced from 36.5 feet. to 30.3 ft. The developer has also eliminated the proposed headhouses and replaced with low profile roof hatches, the green roof and agreed to repair the retaining wall behind 9 Webster Ave. and remove a tree in the rear yard.
Next, JPNA voted 29 to 3 in favor of the project at 210 Webster St. Owner Michael Ferzoco proposes to expand an existing addition in the rear yard of his property. The original house was built around 1840 and had an addition put on the back around 1920. The existing addition extends beyond the rear yard setback allowed by current zoning. However the Ferzoco would like to expand the width of the addition from 10 ft. wide to 14 ft. wide. Ferzoco will not be adding any length to the addition. While Ferzoco will be raising the roof, the addition will remain a single story. Ferzoco, who lives next door to 210 Webster St., intends to keep the house as a single family and sell it when the project is complete.
Lastly, members voted 19 to 13 in favor of the project at 30 Orleans St. There, owner Ricardo Andres Robiglio plans to erect a two-family home on an existing 1,008 sq. ft. vacant lot. Each unit will be approximately 550 sq. ft. with two parking spaces on the ground floor underneath the building. Robiglio made several concessions to the JPNA since first proposing the project. He first pitched building four units with a 350 sq. ft. roof deck. He then reduced the number of units to three and then two after community and abutters meeting.