East Boston 6th graders Camila Lopez Giraldo, Daniel Minas,
and Andrea Diaz from the Excel Academy Charter School show
off the daffodil bulbs they are about to plant along the East
Boston Greenway. The bulbs were provided by the Boston Parks
and Recreation Department as part of Mayor Thomas M. Menino’s
year-long Boston Blooms beautification effort.
A small army of 6th Graders from Excel Academy Charter School recently took part in Mayor Thomas Menino’s Boston Blooms program and spent the day planting daffodil bulbs and other task along the East Boston Greenway.
The group of 56 middle-schoolers were split up to tackle many winterizing chores along the Greenway including weeding perennial beds, removing tree gator bags, and a group to plant some of the 35,000 bulbs provided by the Boston Parks and Recreation Department as part of the beautification effort.
Building on two years of successful plantings citywide, Menino’s Boston Blooms beautification initiative distributed daffodil bulbs this fall to volunteers for planting on public ways.
“It’s time again to thank our Boston Blooms volunteers throughout the city, from local scout troops to area businesses,” said Menino. “Their efforts will brighten our city and add color throughout Boston’s neighborhoods and business districts in the spring.”
The plantings took place in Eastie and citywide during several weekends this fall. Volunteers enlisted by the Boston Parks and Recreation Department to help in the Boston Blooms effort included individuals, civic associations, church groups, sports leagues, scout troops, open space advocates, and parks friends groups as well as school volunteers like those from Excel Academy.
Last year over 75 community groups planted the 40,000 bulbs distributed by the Parks Department.
Menino’s other beautification efforts during 2013 include the Boston Parks and Recreation Department’s Seed Grants program, which awarded up to $250 to eligible community garden and friends groups, $286,000 in Beautify Boston grants given to qualified not-for-profit organizations for 36 approved beautification projects, and Mayor Menino’s annual Garden Contest which recognizes amateur gardeners for their gardens citywide.