District 7 Captain Frank Mancini, the driving force behind East Boston’s dramatic drop in crime over the past two years, has been promoted to Deputy Superintendent of the Boston Police. Mancini, who was the past Director of the BPD’s Anti-Corruption Office emigrated from Italy as a boy with his family and grew up on Lubec Street.
“It great to see Captain Mancini continue to advance his career in the Boston Police as a proud son of East Boston,” said Senator Anthony Petruccelli. “However, we will certainly miss him because he was a hands on professional and did a wonderful job as Captain of our community’s police force. He will be sorely missed.”
In 2011, Eastie’s crime rate dropped 16 percent. This followed a 5.5 percent drop in 2010 for a total 21.5 percent reduction of crime in two years. In 2011, Eastie saw a 25 percent reduction in residential burglary, and a 47 percent drop in commercial breaks of businesses in the community. Auto thefts also went down 25 percent in 2011, and car break-ins were lowered 21 percent.
“Captain Mancini was a personal friend and will be missed,” said Representative Carlo Basile. “He knew his stuff and was well prepared for the challenge of reducing crime in the neighborhood.”
City Councilor Sal LaMattina said Mancini knew how to execute a plan from his first day on the job here in Eastie.
“Although I’m very happy for the Captain it’s a tremendous loss,” said LaMattina. “I think he laid the groundwork here in East Boston for the next Captain appointed to District 7 and I hope he or she continues the great work Captain Mancini has done.”
Known as no-nonsense law enforcement official, Mancini worked closely with community leaders and civic groups to ensure Eastie was a safe place to live, work and do business.
Over the past two years Mancini’s efforts have included keeping a close eye on some problem bars that affected the quality of life for many residents over the years.
Mancini has also directed his officers to keep a close eye on all bars and restaurants in the neighborhood to make sure they are in compliance with their liquor and entertainment licenses.
He also held regular meetings with license establishment holders to remind them of their responsibilities and commitments to the neighborhood in which they do business.
Under Mancini, officer stepped up regular inspections of bars, formed an action plan with police and bar owners.
Under Mancini robberies stayed about even in 2011 following a 20 percent drop in 2010.
In the end Mancini never took all the credit and diverted most of the praise bestowed upon him to the men and woman in uniform working on the streets each day, addressing important issues in the community.
“The Captain and I started serving in East Boston in the same month,” said Mayor Thomas Menino’s Community Liaison Ernani DeAraujo. “My relationship with him has been one of my most treasured in city government. Thanks in great part to the efforts of our Captain and District 7 police, East Boston is safer today–by any metric–than at any point in my lifetime (30 years). It goes without saying that it was a job well done.”
So the community can celebrate Mancini’s achievement and promotion a farewell celebration for the Captain is in the works and will be announced at a later date.
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