Leave Fireworks to the Professionals on This Fourth of July

What would the 4th of July be without fireworks?  A little less busy in hospital emergency rooms.  The nation’s emergency physicians urge you to celebrate the country’s birthday by using common sense when it comes to the potential dangers of fireworks.

 We see many injuries in the ER due to fireworks around the 4th of July,” said Dr. Michael Gerardi, president of the American College of Emergency Physicians.  “Many of those ER visits are initiated with the line ‘hey watch this!’”

In 2013, eight people died and more than 11,000 people were injured in the United States because of fireworks, according to the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CSPC).  It’s a significant increase from the year before.  Additionally, 65 percent of those injuries occurred in the days surrounding July 4th.

 Last year, sparklers and rockets accounted for nearly half of all estimated injuries.  Almost half (46 percent) of fireworks injuries are to a person’s hands or fingers.  One-third (34 percent) of them are to a person’s eyes, head, face and ears (CPSC).

 If fireworks are legal in your community, ACEP strongly suggests that you do not use fireworks at your home.  If you do use them, however, these do’s and don’ts will help make it a safer experience.

DO — Have knowledgeable supervision by an experienced adult if you choose to use fireworks.

DO — Buy fireworks from reputable dealers

DO — Read warning labels and follow all instructions

DO — Keep a bucket of water or fire extinguisher on hand

DO — Light fireworks one at a time

DO — Dispose of all fireworks properly

DON’T — Give any fireworks, including sparklers, to small children; older children should be supervised by a responsible adult

DON’T — Light fireworks indoors or near other objects

DON’T — Place your body over a fireworks device when trying to light the fuse and immediately back up to a safe distance after you light it.

DON’T — Point or throw fireworks at another person, ever

DON’T — Try to re-light or pick up fireworks have not ignited fully

DON’T — Wear loose clothing while using any fireworks

DON’T — Set off fireworks in glass or metal containers — the fragments can cause severe injury.

DON’T — Carry fireworks in a pocket.

DON’T — Try to relight or handle malfunctioning fireworks

You should only watch a professional fireworks display managed by experts who have proper training and experience handling these explosives,” said Dr. Gerardi.  “Have fun and enjoy this great American holiday.  As always, we’ll be ready to treat you, but we don’t want to have to see you in the ER.”

ACEP is the national medical specialty society representing emergency medicine. ACEP is committed to advancing emergency care through continuing education, research and public education. Headquartered in Dallas, Texas, ACEP    has 53 chapters representing each state, as well as Puerto Rico and the District of Columbia. A Government Services Chapter represents emergency physicians employed by military branches and other government agencies. 


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