Author: Times Staff

The New Beginning

When Mayor Menino announced in January that the East Boston waterfront would be in for major development he wasn’t kidding. Although it has taken some time for development groups to get their soldiers in line and ready to fight, one…

Hubway Bicycles for Eastie?

There was a great deal of fanfare last week in Boston when the mayor announced that Hubway – the temporary bicycle rental firm that has become so popular with tourists and residents – will be adding an additional 400 bicycles…

Police Briefs 08-01-2012

July 22, 2012 Michael Anthony Bellanti of 119 Lexington Street, East Boston was arrested and charged with drinking alcohol in public. Omar Restrepo of 64 Eutaw Street, East Boston was arrested and charged with drinking alcohol in public. A juvenile…

Obituraries 08-01-2012

Ruth Webster East Boston Resident Ruth E. (Corey) Webster of East Boston died on July 28. She was the beloved wife of the late George; devoted mother of Debra Oliveri of Winthrop, Donna Roberts of New Hampshire and the late…

The Summer of 2012

The tragedy in Colorado has touched Americans in different ways everywhere during this otherwise lovely summer of 2012. At the Showcase Cinema complex in Revere Monday evening the theaters were evacuated during a showing of Batman. Some theater goers were…

Obituaries 07-25-2012

Frances Baldassare East Boston Resident Frances (Surette) Baldassare of East Boston died on July 22. She was in her 92nd year. The beloved wife of the late Pasquale Baldassare with whom she shared 70 years of marriage, she was the…

Reporting For Duty

Youth from the East Boston YMCA’s summer program got to take a trip to tour the Tall Ships in Boston before the city’s Fourth of July Celebration. The tour was made possible by Save the Har­bor / Save the Bay…

The Heat

July is generally hot but not generally as hot as this July has been. The entire nation, from coast to coast, from North to South from East to West, is in a slow roast bakethon with temperatures soaring into the…

An Angry Dumpster

As a result of our front-page story about the nasty dumpster on Faywood Avenue it got cleaned up. But the fact remains that this dumpster must be emptied twice a week if necessary and three times a week if necessary.…