Three years after taking over the reigns of the Mario Umana Middle School Academy, Principal Alexandra Montes McNeil helped turn around a once failing school. Once a place that resembled the set of a gritty school drama complete with a…
Author: Times Staff
Ring out the Old…. We Wish Our Readers a Happy and Healthy 2013
We often quote a verse from Alfred Lord Tennyson’s “Ring Out Wild Bells” when we write our annual New Year’s editorial. We write about the events that happened in the old year and discuss those that may come in the…
Jets Host the 8th Annual Deep Freeze Tournament
The East Boston High School hockey team and hockey players from Boston area schools faced off last week at Porrazzo Rink in East Boston in a two-day hockey tournament to raise money for the Boston Medical Center (BMC) Breast Cancer…
Obituaries 01-02-2013
Adeline Corrado Former Boston Public Library Employee Adeline R. Corrado of Revere died on December 24 at the Whidden Memorial Hospital. She was 89 years old. Born in East Boston, she graduated from Revere High School, Class of 1942, and…
This is the Season: Time to Think About Those Less Fortunate
Another holiday season is here and, as you are reading this, it almost will be over. All of the preparations and plans we’ve made in anticipation of the seasonal events soon will come to fruition and will become just another…
The Shot Heard Around the World
It’s one thing to hit the game winning shot but it’s another thing to do it 80 feet out with one second left on the clock. That’s exactly what happened when East Boston High School senior guard Pat Santos took…
Obituaries 12-26-2012
Daniel ‘Danny’ Filippone Member of Teamsters Union Daniel “Danny” F. Filippone of East Boston died on December 19. A US Airforce veteran of Korea and a member of Teamster Local 379, he was the beloved husband of Virginia (Smith) Filippone;…
‘Jingle Bells’ During the School’s Annual Christmas Pageant.
East Boston Central Catholic School’s K-0 class performs ‘Jingle Bells’ during the school’s annual Christmas Pageant. This year’s pageant was dedicated and performed in honor of the students and staff that lost they lives last Friday at the Sandy Hook…
This is Not the Bypass Road
An 18-Wheeler block Neptune Road nearly three weeks after the opening of the long-awaited Marty Coughlin Bypass Road. Massport is working to get more Logan Airport related traffic to use the newly opened $24 million road that cuts under Day…
A Mobile City Hall
For many residents living in neighborhoods like East Boston, West Roxbury or Dorchester getting to City Hall to accomplish a basic service like obtaining a birth certificate can turn into a multiple hours long task. This is even before the…