Special to the Times-Free Pres
La Colaborativa, in partnership with Lawyers for Civil Rights and the Brazilian Worker Center, has filed the first lawsuit in the Commonwealth to halt what they call the Trump administration’s unconstitutional, inhumane policy stripping U.S.-born children with immigrant parents of citizenship.
“For over 35 years, La Colaborativa has safeguarded, uplifted, and relentlessly fought for our community,” said Gladys Vega, President of La Colaborativa. “Along with our allies, we’re committed to leading a unified front to counter the Trump administration’s grave violation of civil rights. We stand united to protect the rights and safety of our families, regardless of where they come from.”
Prompted by what it characterizes as a cascading array of damaging executive actions, La Colaborativa is spearheading the lawsuit on behalf of expectant mothers, working families, and immigrant communities adversely affected by this policy.
“La Colaborativa refuses to let the federal government create a caste system that dehumanizes U.S.-born children and their families,” stated Dinanyili Paulino, Executive Vice President of La Colaborativa. “As the consequences of the election increasingly harm working families, children, and immigrants, La Colaborativa will remain a cornerstone of our community, providing vital resources for all residents, regardless of their background or immigration status.”
La Colaborativa representatives stated that the executive orders, issued hours after the inauguration, have been widely condemned as unconstitutional, harmful, and an abject violation of human rights. The organization stated that the string of announcements has exacerbated the growing fears within immigrant communities, which have grappled with decades of repression and disinvestment.
“Unquestionably, these policies are designed to spur fear and division,” said Alex Train, Chief Operating Officer of La Colaborativa. “In this moment of darkness, we must remain vigilant and united, with an unwavering commitment to safeguarding human rights at all costs.”
In a press release, La Colaborativa stated that the executive order in question denies U.S.-born children their rights, protections, and citizenship—instilling fear and uncertainty within immigrant communities. Advocacy groups argue that such actions not only violate constitutional principles but also inflict profound harm on families, destabilize communities, and erode trust in public systems.
Chelsea City Manager Fidel Maltez said that as a naturalized citizen with children born in this country, the issue is very personal for him.
“The unknown is very scary,” said Maltez. “For the past week, we have been trying to calm our residents and telling them not to jump to conclusions.”
Maltez said the city is concerned that people in need will be less likely to call for needed resources in the current climate. He said the city, the police, and fire departments are committed to serving and protecting everyone in the city, and that the school department is committed to educating everyone.
“That will not change, we will serve and protect all of Chelsea,” Maltez said.