Special to the Times Free Press
Brad Wyatt, the new Masschusetts GOP National Committeeman will come to speak with local Republicans and Conservatives interested in winning elections on Thursday, January 30, starting at 6:30 p.m. at the East Boston Yacht Club, 1 Rice Street.
There is plenty of parking and complimentary snacks and coffee with a cash bar.
As we all know, it’s tough being a Republican in Democrat dominated Massachusetts. But our new National Committeeman Brad Wyatt is dedicated to bringing us together and helping us at the local level.
Brad Wyatt is a firm believer that the key to success in adding Republican representation for Massachusetts starts with local municipal candidates. We are thrilled to present an event where we can come together and hear Brad’s ideas for motivation and direction.
Contact: Vera Carducci [email protected] – 617-909-5384
Paul Ronukaitus [email protected] -617-846-9331