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Fundraising for East Boston Holiday Lighting Program Begins

Lisa Cappuccio has launched the East Boston Holiday Lighting Program in coordination with other residents, the East Boston Chamber of Commerce, and East Boston Main Streets.

“We’re raising funds for holiday lighting for Maverick Square, Day Square, Orient Heights, and Central Square,” said Cappuccio, noting that East Boston has not enjoyed the decorative presence of holiday lighting for several years. “It [holiday lighting] just sort of fell by the wayside.”

Cappuccio said she and other residents held a meeting to consider restoring the tradition of holiday lighting in the East Boston neighborhood.

“I said, ‘okay, what can we do to make it happen?’’’ related Cappuccio. “That’s when we decided to start raising money for the program.”

The Holiday Lighting Program drew immediate and strong support from the East Boston business community, notably  Chamber of Commerce President Shirley Fabbo and East Boston Main Street Director Miguel Vargas, who are board.

“The business owners and residents are very excited,” said Cappuccio. “I’ve actually never seen this much energy before in any program that I’ve done. So, people want it.”

The East Boston Foundation has also stepped forward as a supporter of the program, according to Cappuccio. “We’re very happy about that,” she said.

The Holiday Lighting Program will supplement other holiday festivities such as the East Boston Main Streets tree-lighting ceremonies, which is held in conjunction with the Mayor’s Trolley Tour.

“Joe Ruggiero [director of Ruggiero Family Memorial Home] has been particularly supportive of our efforts,” lauded Cappuccio. “For many years, he took it upon himself to decorate trees in Orient Heights. He sponsors the tree-lighting ceremony on his own, so Joe has done a great job doing this every year. What we want to do is augment that.”

Cappuccio hopes that business owners will pledge to decorate their storefronts in the spirit of the holiday season.

“There’s a lot of ways to get involved. You can make a monetary donation or pledge to decorate your own business,” said Cappuccio. “I think it’s going to be a trickle effect. Once people start to see the holiday lights again, I think more people will get that festive spirit. That’s what we’re hoping for. Our plan is to grow each year, and hopefully expand to other streets like Bennington and Chelsea, and certain areas like Jeffries Point and Eagle Hill.”

Rep. Adrian Madaro said he recalls enjoying the holiday lighting while growing up in East Boston. “I fondly remember the holiday lights in East Boston during my childhood,” said Madaro. “I’m thrilled residents are working to bring them back to spread cheer during the holiday season.”

(To make a contribution to the Holiday Lighting Program, please call or email Lisa at 617-967-0464 or Lisa@bostonconcepts.net)

Cary Shuman:
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