The next meeting of the Orient Heights Neighborhood Council will take place on Monday, September 19.
Location: Zoom
The meeting starts at 6:30 pm, but the Zoom link will open a few minutes early. The session will be recorded.
• Zoom meeting link:
• Passcode: OHNC
The agenda is as follows:
Meeting Agenda
• BPD community update
• Sons of Divine Providence/Maverick Media – Proposal for a billboard at 423 McClellan Highway
• MassDOT update – safety and bicycle improvements on Bennington Street between Everard Street (Revere) and Leverett Avenue (Boston)
• Anthony Amore – Auditor’s Office 101
Meeting Information and Protocol
• All participants will be muted upon entry and during presentations. Questions and comments to those presenting can be asked using the chat or “raise hand” feature of the Zoom platform. If there is a lull in conversation you may feel free to unmute but please be considerate of others attempting to participate at the same time. All submissions submitted via the chat will be read aloud by the OHNC host. Anyone unable to use the chat feature is welcome to email questions and comments to [email protected] and they will be passed on to the presenters.
• Attendance will be taken via a Google Form and responses will only be accepted from the start of the meeting until the end. Marking your attendance ensures your voter eligibility. Voters must have attended two out of the three regularly scheduled OHNC meetings or be an abutter to the property being voted on. The sign-in form will be posted in the Zoom chat at the beginning of the meeting and throughout.
• A recording of the meeting, meeting minutes, responses to any questions not answered during the meeting, and copies of the presentation slides, if available, will be provided following the meeting via Facebook and email. Meeting recordings are always available on our YouTube channel.
• Voting: During the pandemic voting will take place online via a Google Form. Board members vet all votes to ensure that the individual is eligible as either an abutter to the property or an attendee of two out of the last three meetings. All responses are confidential and not accessible to anyone but board members for the purpose of confirming voter qualification. Once votes have been tallied all Google Form submissions for that vote are deleted.