Gove Street Citizens Association Meeting Agenda
Gove Street Citizens Association meeting is on June 27, at 6:30 p.m.
Register for Zoom for this meeting:
All speakers will be available to answer questions from the community.
Announcements (5 min)
East Boston Community Soup Kitchen Fundraiser – Sep. 16, 2022
Call for members to join GSCA board
Community updates (25 min)
Councilor Julia Mejia (Tentative)
BPD update from Sgt. Cintolo
East Boston liaison – Nathalia Benitez
Sumner Tunnel closure updates and collecting community feedback
Natasha Perez on EBNHC/Davis project
Projects (15 min)
VOTE: 99A Cottage St – Roof deck rebuild
Our meetings take place on the fourth Monday of each month at 6:30p. All meetings are currently being held on Zoom.