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Key Members of Boston’s State House Delegation Endorse David Halbert

David Halbert’s campaign for Boston City Council At-Large has been endorsed by several members of Boston’s State House delegation. Two State Senators – State Senator Joe Boncore representing First Suffolk and Middlesex and State Senator Sal DiDomenico representing Middlesex and Suffolk – are joined by State Representatives Nika Elugardo from the 15th Suffolk, State Representative Adrian Madaro from the 1st Suffolk, and State Representative Dan Ryan from the 2nd Suffolk.

“I’m proud to endorse David Halbert for Boston City Council At-Large,” stated State Senator Joe Boncore. “David’s focus on increasing educational equity, his strong support of labor rights, and his dedication to improving access to housing and public transit demonstrate his commitment to the people of Boston. He has the experience, the vision, and the tenacity to champion real progress on the Council.”

Similar sentiments were expressed by Assistant Majority Leader, State Senator Sal DiDomenico, who noted that “David’s dedication to thoughtful and impactful public service shows throughout his platform. From combating food insecurity, to improving educational outcomes, to working to lift families out of poverty, David and I share a deep commitment towards equity & improving the lives of others. I know he will be a strong voice on Boston’s City Council.” 

State Rep. Nika Elugardo, who represents the Boston neighborhoods of Jamaica Plain, Mission Hill, and Roslindale, along with parts of Brookline, shared that “Dave is an incredible listener and uniquely committed to bringing all voices to the decision-making table,” going on to reflect that “he is the kind of honorable and collaborative leader Bostonians deserve. His optimism about the future of our city, combined with our shared commitment to antiracism and progressive action, makes Dave a strong partner in mobilizing positive change across our communities.”

East Boston representative State Rep. Adrian Madaro referred to himself as a “longtime friend and supporter,” of Halbert’s, who highlighted the ways Halbert is keyed in to the issues areas top-of-mind for East Bostonians. “I know David will uplift East Boston’s immigrant communities, fight for the recovery of our small businesses, and will be a strong partner in making sure Boston stays livable for everyone.”

Charlestown-based State Rep. Dan Ryan remarked that he knew Halbert to be “the kind of leader in City Hall who will advocate for Charlestown, just as I know he will advocate for every neighborhood in Boston. David has the perspective to give voice to those in the city that have felt forgotten or unseen, and I am excited to see what he will accomplish on the Council.” 

The two State Senators and three State Representatives join Halbert’s steadily growing list of notable supporters, including early Halbert endorser State Senator Sonia Chang-Díaz. Together, they represent parts of the Boston neighborhoods of Allston, Brighton, Charlestown, East Boston, Jamaica Plain, Mission Hill, Roslindale, and the West End, demonstrating the reach of Halbert’s message and enforces his team’s commitment to organizing in all corners of the city.

Times Staff:
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