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MassDOT to Hold Virtual Meetings

The Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT) is announcing several public virtual meetings for the Capital Investment Plan (CIP), with each meeting focusing on a particular area in the state.

MassDOT is developing the annual CIP that guides how the Commonwealth prioritizes and funds local and statewide transportation projects. The CIP determines funding for infrastructure including transit, accessibility upgrades, roadway improvements, municipal projects, and for the needs of Regional Transit Authorities (RTAs).

Input from the public each year is used to help inform project design and investment decisions as comments help MassDOT officials understand the level of community support for proposed projects.

The virtual events will be held as follows and while each meeting presentation will primarily highlight investments in that region, the public is welcome to comment on any aspect of the CIP.

•Boston issues, June 1, 6 p.m.

Times Staff:
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