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Ward 1 Dem. Committee Holds Caucus for Convention Delegates

On Saturday, March 7 the newly elected Ward 1 Democratic Committee held a caucus to elect del­egates to the 2020 Massa­chusetts State Democratic Convention to be held on May 30 at the Tsongas Cen­ter at UMass Lowell. How­ever, that date could change as the COVID-19 pandemic increases in scale.

During the Massachu­setts Presidential Primary the ‘Fresh Slate” group won 20 seats to effectively take over the Ward I Democratic Committee. Liana LaMat­tina, a candidate from the ‘Unity Slate” was the only member of the opposing group to win a seat on East­ie’s local ward committee.

The Saturday follow­ing the primary, the group held its first caucus and elected Heather O’Brien; Liana LaMattina; Victoria Dzindzichashvili (DiLoren­zo); Gloribel Rivas; Jo Ann Fitzgerald; Teresa Pol­hemus; Claudia Correa; Ni­cole DaSilva; Katie Boyd; Gladys Oliveros; Brian Gannon; Zachary Hollo­peter; Joe Ruggiero; Jay Ruggiero; Ricardo Patron; Fernando Ortiz; Steven Gingras; Andrew Therri­ault; Michael Sulprizio; and Kannan Thiruvengada as 2020 Delegates.

While the predominantly progressive slate won con­trol of the Ward Committee during the primary the cau­cus voting seemed to favor a more balanced mix of neighborhood Democrats.

For example Jay and Joe Ruggiero, Polhemus, Boyd, LaMattina, Oliveros, Cor­rea, DaSilva, Ortiz and Sul­prizio were all part of the Unity Slate that lost out to the Fresh Slate but now rep­resent half of the delegates heading to the Convention in late May.

In a statement the Ward Committee said, “If you were not elected at the cau­cus, you can still apply un­til March 25 to be an add-on delegate if you identify as being youth, LGBTQ+, disabled, or underrepre­sented minority. Add-on delegates can cast votes at the convention, and are an important way to build di­versity and inclusion in the party. Additionally, you can apply for a fee waiver if the delegate fee would be a fi­nancial hardship.”

You can read more about the process, and apply to be an add-on delegate, here: https://massdems.org/2020-convent

John Lynds:
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