By John Lynds

District One City Council Candidate Stephen Passacantilli stops by East Boston High School to greet voters.
There were three candidates vying for the District One City Council seat, which includes East Boston, Charlestown and the North End, but after Tuesday night’s primary there are only two remaining.
East Boston’s Lydia Edwards will square off in the General Election against the North End’s Stephen Passacantilli on Tuesday November 7.
District wide Passacantilli edged out Edwards by only 77 votes for the top spot on the City Council ticket.
The unofficial results as of Tuesday night had Passacantilli at 3,624 votes, Edwards at 3,547 votes and Farmer at 522 votes.
In Eastie Edwards topped the ticket with 1,824 votes to Passacantilli’s 1,281 votes. Farmer rounded out the Eastie election with 378 votes and finished in third place.
In the Mayor’s race, incumbent Mayor Marty Walsh easily topped the ticket in the city and will square off against City Councilor Tito Jackson, who was the second highest vote getter, on November 7. Walsh first place finish and Jackson’s second place finish edged out two other mayoral challengers during Tuesday’s Primary–Eastie’s Robert Cappucci and Joseph Wiley.
In Eastie, Walsh easily topped the mayoral race’s ticket here.