While the Big One — the election of our next President of the United States is in November — there is an important election next Thursday (note the different day for an election than the usual Tuesday), Sept. 8, with some interesting local contests for Suffolk County Sheriff and Suffolk County Register of Deeds.
Rep. Adrian Madaro and State Sen. Joseph Boncore are on the ballot without opposition in the Democratic Primary. While the East Boston Times doesn’t endorse candidates, we can say without reservation that Rep. Adrian Madaro has done a tremendous job as our state representative. If you look around East Boston, you can see how beautiful our neighborhood looks thanks to a large extent to his impact.
We also feel strongly that Joe Boncore was able to hit the ground running as our new state senator and he’s been an accessible official who will continue to work hard for Revere residents on Beacon Hill. Joseph won a tremendously exciting election earlier this year and it’s great to see Joe at all of the local events in his capacity as our state senator.
Lastly there are several county positions that are contested on the ballot including Suffolk County Sheriff, Registrar of Deeds and Governor’s Council.
The weather is suppose to be good and we urge as many citizens as possible to get out and vote on Thursday.