This year’s Eastie’s Elves fundraiser set for Friday at the Logan Hyatt at 7 p.m. is an annual Christmas benefit in East Boston that goes to providing toys to low-income children in the neighborhood.
For 8 years now, Senator Anthony Petruccelli’s charity has made Christmas a little brighter for families in Eastie that may otherwise have nothing to provide for their children on Christmas morning.
To imagine a child being unable to unwrap a gift or see a toy under the family’s Christmas tree. It’s something many of us don’t want to think of but is something that is a harsh reality in neighborhoods like Eastie.
A child should always have something to play with when they wake up Christmas morning. A child going without a gift should never happen during the Holiday Season.
Thanks to this worthwhile fundraiser, the community will come together to ensure this does not happen for hundreds of children in the neighborhood.
But this noble event needs support.
It needs people to open their wallets and purses, head down to the mall or toy store and purchase one gift or two or three.
In the spirit of giving bring that toy Friday night to the Hyatt Hotel and realize the impact you are making on a child’s Christmas.
Know that in a few weeks that toy will be in the home of a family that needs it and that toy will be opened, played with and cherished for months to come.
Know that you made struggling parents’ decision to buy food or Christmas presents a little easier because they know some presents are coming Christmas morning.
Know that you have helped a family in need and removed some of the anxiety from the Holiday for many struggling parents.
Know that the gift, which is affordable to you is not affordable for many.
Know that at the end of the event you have helped and know it is what Christmas is all about.