Don’t Miss the Salesian Boys and Girls Club’s Pasta Dinner This Friday Evening

One of the most popular events in the East Boston community during the pre-holiday season is the annual Pasta Dinner Fundraiser of the Salesian Boys and Girls Club, which is set to return in-person this Friday evening, November 18, from 6-8 p.m., at the club’s quarters at 150 Byron St.

The dinner promises to be an outstanding affair. Tickets are just $10 for a delicious dinner that will feature pasta, meatballs, salad, bread, and desserts. As an additional treat, this year’s dinner will feature live music by John D’Ambrosio, a graduate of Savio Prep, who will play the keyboards.

Parking will be available on the Salesian field on Wadsworth St. behind the club where there is an entrance directly into the club.

We’re sure there will be a large turnout for the dinner, which promises to be a great chance to catch up with old friends and meet new neighbors — so don’t miss out!.

Times Staff:
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