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Triangle Inc., and Piers Park Sailing Center Celebrate 5 Years Sailing Through Boston Harbor With People of All Abilities

Special to the Times

Last week, Triangle Inc., and Piers Park Sailing Center awarded residents a certificate of completion to mark the end of the six-week adaptive sailing program. For five years, residents living in Triangle, Inc.’s nine residential homes have participated in adaptive sailing programming led by Pier Park Sailing Center in East Boston. This program is a part of Triangle’s commitment to ensure that every member of their programs has the opportunity to participate in all facets of their local communities, including recreational activities. Since beginning their partnership in 2018, Piers Park staff members captain a boat for Triangle residents and staff members, teaching them the basics of sailing while navigating through Boston Harbor. 

“We are so fortunate to have a partner in the Piers Park Sailing Center. They have assisted participants in expanding their life experiences in such a unique way! For some it is the first time they have ever experienced sailing,” said Melissa Strout, Chief Integrity Officer at Triangle Inc.

“Because our partnership has continued to grow over the years we are able to offer this opportunity to others and enhance the skills of our annual sailors. I can’t speak highly enough about the team and volunteers at Piers Park! Their thoughtfulness and care is unmatched. We look forward to many more years of our partnership and are excited to get more folks on the water!”

Triangle residents who have participated in the sailing program have experienced multiple benefits. Many apply their new skills on their sailing excursions. This practice helps residents build communication, sequencing, and processing skills that also support their independent living and employment goals. They receive all the benefits of physical activity and fresh air as they experience Boston from the boats each week while having a blast on the water with their instructors from Piers Park Sailing Center.

“Our instructors at Piers Park have built bonds with the residents and staff and look forward to seeing everyone each Saturday. The personal growth and confidence is a joy to see.  Being out on the water is a calming and therapeutic experience, but it also provides the opportunity to have a lot of self-efficacy and control,” said Alex DeFronzo, Executive Director of Piers Park Sailing Center. “I wish more human service agencies got out in the community and did the work that Triangle is doing because you can see the impact in real-time. This group comes away each week physically and mentally stronger with great stories to share. This program has been a success because of the work of the staff at Triangle and because of Melissa’s leadership.  There is such a dedicated team.”

Since 1971, Triangle, Inc. has empowered people with disabilities and their families to live rich, fulfilling lives. With a strong focus on employment, empowerment, independence, and community engagement, Triangle, Inc. reaches more than 4,000 people across eastern Massachusetts each year. Through all of its efforts, Triangle, Inc reminds our communities that we are all people with abilities. Learn more about the organization and their impact at triangle-inc.org. 

Piers Park Sailing Center (PPSC) was founded March 10, 1998 as an integral part of Piers Park, an open community green space on the East Boston Waterfront.  PPSC’s docks and building were constructed by the Massachusetts Port Authority and are ADA compliant at all points of the tide cycle.  We are a community based organization – our Board Chair and 100% of our leadership staff grew up in our programs as youth. For the last two decades PPSC has been providing unique educational opportunities for youth and adults, and serving as a gateway to the harbor and its islands. The Adaptive Sailing Program at Piers Park Sailing Center is a nationally recognized program.  We’ve worked with over 2,800 people with disabilities since the program’s inception.  US Sailing has awarded PPSC Best Community Program for Disabled Sailors and PPSC maintains its status as an accredited US SAILING Adaptive Sailing Center, one of fewer than 10 across the country.

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