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Coletta Endorsed by AFSCME Council 93

Gabriela Coletta, candidate for Boston City Councilor District One, has received the unanimous endorsement of AFSCME Council 93, representing more than 45,000 state, county and municipal employees in Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire and Vermont. Election Day is May 3, 2022.

In their endorsement, AFSCME Council 93 Boston Presidents’ Committee co-chairs Christopher Stockbridge and Dan Moriarty said:

The Boston Presidents’ Committee is proud to endorse your campaign for Boston City Council. Your advocacy and support for working people will an asset for the men and women who work for the City of Boston. Based on your dedication and commitment to uphold the values we as public employees hold dear; we are proud to support your campaign for Boston City Council and we look forward to working with you as the next District 1 City Councilor.

In just the first month of her candidacy, Coletta has secured the endorsement of over 70community leaders including various former and current elected officials. For a list of endorsers, please visit gabrielacoletta.com/endorsements.

Gabriela Coletta has dedicated her entire life working in service to others and empowering her neighbors to become involved in local democracy. She’s currently the External Relations Manager at the New England Aquarium where she advocates for a more resilient, inclusive, and accessible waterfront for all Bostonians. As Campaign Manager for Councilor Edwards’s successful 2017 campaign, Gabriela activated and mobilized a grassroots campaign consisting of a broad coalition of residents, unions, volunteers, and advocacy groups numbering over 500 people – all of whom felt disenfranchised by the political establishment – to elect the first Black woman to represent us on the Boston City Council. To learn more, visit gabrielacoletta.com, Facebook at @GigiforDistrictOne, and Twitter @Gigi4District1.

Times Staff:
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