News In Brief

GSCA Meeting Agenda

Gove Street Citizens Association agenda for Monday, February 28, 6:30 p.m.

Register for Zoom for this meeting:

All speakers will be available to answer questions from the community.

Updates on Bremen & Orleans Development Project from Natasha Perez

Updates from new East Boston liaison to the mayor’s office, Nathalia Benitez

Introduction of Nathalia

Mayor’s shift to focus on waterfront development in East Boston (new municipal harbor plan)

Updates on policies related to COVID-19

Community updates from Boston Police Department officer Sgt. Cintolo

Our meetings take place on the fourth Monday of each month at 6:30p. All meetings are currently being held on Zoom.

Greenway Council Meeting Agenda

The next Greenway Council meeting is on Thursday, January 24th at 6:30 PM.


Here is the registration link for the Greenway Council meetings in 2022. Sign up for one meeting or all the meetings for the year. Once you register you’ll receive calendar invites for the meetings selected.



Police Report


Storywalk  at the library

The event at the library

Wayfinding Signs

Development Committee Update – Comment Letter Process

Greenway Extensions Update – MassTrails Grant

Trustees – Piers Park III: Design meeting update


2022 Greenway Council Meeting Dates

The Greenway Council meets on the 4th Thursday of each month at 6:30 PM.

Thursday, February 24th

Thursday, March 24th

Thursday, April 28th

Thursday, May 26th

Thursday, June 23rd

Thursday, July 28th


Thursday, September 29th

Thursday, October 27th

Thursday, December 1st (this is one week later than normal)


Boston Urban Forest Plan Virtual Open House March 14

Residents interested in the future of trees in Boston are invited to join the Boston Parks and Recreation Department for a virtual conversation about the progress of the Urban Forest Plan on Monday, March 14, from 5:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. To join the discussion, follow the event link at

Boston’s first ever Urban Forest Plan will help prioritize, preserve, and grow the tree canopy throughout Boston for decades to come. In Boston, all residents depend on the many benefits provided by the trees in our urban forest. The issues being addressed include policy, funding, workforce development, design, climate resilience, and more. The goal is to create a strategic plan based on science and defined by the needs and desires of the community to ensure that the urban forest will be better managed both today and in the future. 

This project is a part of Healthy Places, a collaboration between the Heat Resilience Study, Urban Forest Plan, and Open Space and Recreation Plan. Healthy Places looks at cooling the city, expanding the urban forest, and improving the park system. For more information on any of these projects, please visit 

Interpretation and translation services are available for the March 14 Open House at no cost. Please contact program manager Maggie Owens if you cannot attend this meeting, have any questions or comments, or if you need interpretation services, translated materials, or disability accommodations by emailing [email protected] or calling (617) 961-3025 by February 28, 2022.

To stay up to date with news, events, and improvements in Boston parks, call (617) 635-4505, visit, join our email list at, and follow our social channels @bostonparksdept on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

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